Koji10, コジ10, S.1, Ep.9: Making Video Games
Well, next time we’ll be 10 times at Koi 10. Maybe we can do a review of all 10 minutes. Kojima says how about Koji5 ? We want to continue. it’ll be high and bye real quick! Today’s theme is making video games. Am I going to tell you everything? Ha ha! Well, with Indies games we pretty much have to do it ourselves. Our style doesn’t resonate with the large industry companies. My style is a little bit special. Being a bit older, I can’t try just anything. But it’s still below the surface. Like 30 or 40 years ago the style we had I find lovely. Normally company would have 3 to 4 CGI people. Recently money people and me too lately but basically I do it all myself. In the past, we made the game with only a few people and that was about 30 or 40 years ago. Now in Indies, too, simply put, they call me Kantoku, which means the Director. However, I also produce scenarios, designs, all the music. In a normal company, they have 3 to 4 CGI movie people, 4 to 5 of each gaming people scenarios...